Videos tagged with Margaret Hu

  • Generative AI is all the buzz, with individuals across disciplines speculating about its potential benefits and costs. This type of speculation becomes particularly pressing when the interests of already vulnerable populations are implicated. The Duke Law Center on Law, Race & Policy (CLRP) hosted the AI and Marginalized Groups Symposium focused on the potential effects of generative artificial intelligence (“AI”) on marginalized groups. The symposium is a culmination of a series of events, beginning with a panel held in October 2023.

  • Individuals across disciplines are speculating about the potential benefits and costs of generative AI. This type of speculation becomes particularly pressing when the interests of already vulnerable populations are implicated. This panel will examine the effects of generative AI on marginalized groups.

  • Panel 2: Countering Violent Homegrown Extremism: Lessons Learned and Challenges for the Future
    Moderator: Professor David Schanzer, Duke University
    Professor Margaret Hu, Duke Law School
    Professor Deborah Ramirez, Northeastern Law School
    Professor Sahar F. Aziz, Texas Wesleyan School of Law

  • March 22, 2012 - The Program in Public Law, Kenan Institute for Ethics, American Constitution Society (Washington, DC), and Duke Law ACLU present an exciting panel discussion on the Supreme Court's recent decision to hear arguments in Arizona v. United States. SB 1070 has been referred to in the media as the "racial profiling" law because it requires law enforcement officers in Arizona to inspect the documents of those suspected of unlawful presence in the state.